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About Liv

In Liv, we want to make health easy and accessible to as many people as possible!

We enable anyone, anywhere in the world to assess their own health condition in real-time – and thereby empowering and encouraging people to take ownership of their own health.

Our aim is to improve and extend the quality of people’s lives by helping them make the right lifestyle choices every day – and ultimately prevent them from becoming chronically ill prematurely.

Our Vision

Our vision is to become the world leader in prediction and prevention of illnesses due to lifestyle.

Our Mission

By levering state-of-the-art science and technology, our mission is to unlock the full human potential for each individual through health awareness and self-care.


Daniel Dudas-Schwarz
CEO & Co-Founder
Since his early teenage years, Daniel has started several companies in his life. In his last company – that he exited in 2015 – Daniel worked with sports technologies and data analytics covering thousands of live sport events world-wide including 3 Olympics. Through his 20+ years of experience as an entrepreneur and 15+ years within the world of professional sports, Daniel has gained a unique and deep understanding of technologies that tracks physiology and performance and how to translate that data into actionable insights.
Sachin Prathaban
CTO & Co-Founder
Sachin has worked in the cross-field of biomedical engineering and user-centric preventive health. As a professional researcher at Technical University of Denmark, Sachin has worked with bio-signal processing from multiple sources such as PPG, ECG and EEG trying to map the human nervous system and unlock pathways to preventive health in a unique and personalized way with a holistic approach. In Liv, he is applying his academic background from data science into R&D and product development.
Max Darski
CPO & Co-Founder
Max's professional career has been within product development and people management. For the past 15+ years Max has been working in big organizations helping them drive and formulate product vision and strategy through change management and communication towards end-users, stakeholders, and development teams. His strong domain expertise in product development lies within customer acquisition and subscription management, where through the past 7 years Max has been focusing on software product development, customer experience and building up new teams and leadership.

Daniel vil lave en Robin Hood på medicinalindustrien: Nu udvikler han et elektronisk plaster

Read the article here

Sundhedsvæsenet har taget patent på vores sundhed

Read the article here
radio loud

Vi Er Data #13 - Patient eller læge - Ret til egen sygdomsdata

Listen to the episode here

Our partners and supporters

Arise Health logoThe Paak logoOE logo2020INC logoEphicient logo


Lars Christensen
International Economist
Keenan Pinto | MScEng
Strategic Advisor & Partner
Dr. Leor Perl | MD
Medical Advisor
Itay Cohen | MScEng
Tech & Hardware Advisor
another collaborator
Another One
Something he does